Mr. Mark McCollum is President and Chief Executive Officer for Weatherford International. Weatherford is one of the largest multinational oilfield service companies providing innovative solutions, technology and services to the oil and gas industry. Mr. McCollum serves as a member of the Board of Regents of Baylor University and he also serves on the board of trustees for Baylor College of Medicine and the advisory board of Every Village. His timely topic for Toolbox will be “Leadership in a Time of Crisis”.
El Sr. Mark McCollum es Presidente y Director General de Weatherford International. Weatherford es una de las mayores empresas multinacionales de servicios petrolíferos que ofrece soluciones, tecnología y servicios innovadores a la industria del petróleo y el gas. El Sr. McCollum es miembro de la Junta de Regentes de la Universidad de Baylor y también forma parte del consejo de administración del Baylor College of Medicine y del consejo asesor de Every Village. Su oportuno tema para la caja de herramientas será “El liderazgo en tiempos de crisis”.