Jeff Thomas is the Founder/CEO of Archetype Wealth Partners and author of Trading Up: Moving from Success to Significance on Wall Street. After 25 years of working for the biggest names on Wall Street, Jeff and his team concluded that they could only pursue their vision by starting their own firm in 2017. Jeff and his wife Dolly are also well invested in the community, serving with a variety of non-profit organizations, ministries and foundations.
Jeff Thomas es el fundador/director general de Archetype Wealth Partners y autor de Trading Up: Moving from Success to Significance on Wall Street. Después de 25 años de trabajar para los nombres más importantes de Wall Street, Jeff y su equipo llegaron a la conclusión de que solo podían perseguir su visión creando su propia empresa en 2017. Jeff y su esposa Dolly también están muy comprometidos con la comunidad, colaborando con diversas organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro, ministerios y fundaciones.